LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS: Are you in love? These eight (8) signs show you're in love.
Author: S. Gordon-Jeffery
Are you in love?
Falling in love or being in love is a wonderful feeling but it's more than that. It changes how you view the world, and it even changes your personal behaviour. Hear are eight (8) behaviours that signify you're in love.
1. Thinking about the person creates a positive physical response.
You're having a rough day. Nothing seems to be going your way at work or you're stuck in traffic. You start going through the grocery list in your mind and all of a sudden you think about her or him. You wish they were with you so you can talk about the slow moving traffic because with them the most mundane activity becomes fun or meaningful. You call to hear their voice on the phone because it lifts your spirit. You think about them and you smile. You're in love.
2. You can't help talking about them to friends and family.
You're out with friends having a good time and something someone does or says triggers a memory about you're beloved you just have to share, even if they're not around. Yup, you're in love bruh.
3. You call or text each other through out the day.
You're busy but somehow you find the time to send off a quick text message. You call each other on you're lunch break or any other chance you get. Yes, you are in love.
4. Time flies when you're having fun.
When you're together it's as if time ends quickly. You wish you could have more and even more time with the person. There's almost a physical pain you feel when you have to separate.
5. You crave to be near them.
You miss the person even if you've seen them just 24 hrs before or less. To meet him or her is the best part of your day. Mhm, you're in love!
6. When they're ill you worry about them.
You never knew they meant that much to you until you see them in a vulnerable state of sickness. You never want to leave their side; you wish you could take their pain away. Yup, you're in love.
7. You're jealous over their affection.
Believe it or not being a little jealous (just a wee bit) over your significant other is quite healthy and normal. If you love someone they become precious to you. They're like a special gift you wait all year to unwrap and when you do, you're overjoyed and would be very upset if something were to happen that could potentially take them away from you.
Being jealous shows that the person is very important to you and you can't imagine life without them. In the Bible it says that our God is a jealous God. Exodus chapter 34 verse 14 (Exodus 34:14), King James version says:
“For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”
According to because God gave the breath of life to humankind He therefore "... jealously yearns for – desires – this spirit in us" [and] "...God [is] vigilantly guarding that which is His."
The Holy Bible says:
"So God created man (humans) in His own image, in the image of God created He him: male and female created He them." Genesis 1:27, KJV.
See also Genesis 2:7, KJV:
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
Active Christianity also notes what God's good intentions are:
"God does not want our spirits to be consumed by this world or by the god of this world, who is the devil. God wants a relationship with our human spirit, so that He can instill His good will within us."
So if God himself can be jealous and with good reason, why can't you? You were created in His image. The Bible says that God is love. His love is a pure, zealous, passionate kind of love. He will and does protect those that put their trust in Him. Wouldn't you seek to protect the one you love from anything that would harm him or her?
8. You would do anything to keep them safe.
If you really love her or him you cannot stand the thought of anyone or anything hurting them and you may put yourself in harm's way to see to it that they are safe.
The Lord Jesus said:
"The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them." St. John 15:13, (Good News Translation, GNT). Jesus gave his life for us. That is true love.
Would you put your life in harm's way to help your girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse? Comment below.
Nilsen, Bjorn. Why God has to be a jealous God: God is a jealous God. It is part of His nature. What does that mean? Active Christianity website. Retrieved Feb 22, 2020.
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