LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS: How to tell a Jamaican woman loves you.
Author: S. Gordon-Jeffery
I'm sure that many persons across the world have read Gary Chapman's best selling book, 'The Five Love Languages'. Skimming through its pages sometime ago got me thinking about what my love language(s) is/are, but it also got me thinking generally about the Jamaican romantic experience and how we as a people interact with each other in love relationships.
Now I know I'm no anthropologist, nor am I a psychologist, but I do believe Jamaican women love with a certain type of flair. So let me try to break it down as I see it, right here in this humble post. 😁 Here are some of the ways Jamaican women show they love you. I also demonstrate the five (5) love languages using these acts of love I will discuss below. There's a bonus point which I think universally applies to most if not all Jamaican women.
1. She's your greatest motivator but also an honest critic (Words of affirmation)
If she loves you, she wants to see you do well --in life, in love, your career, health and overall well-being. A Jamaican woman whose love language is words of affirmation will encourage you; keep you motivated and be your greatest cheerleader even in the face of what seems to be insurmountable odds. Because of this she will let you know where you've gone wrong. She will be very honest, sometimes harshly so.
Jamaicans can be very blunt. We do not relish being harsh, but we understand that to get somewhere better, you have to face the truth about your situation and make improvements, and the only way to do that is to be honest with yourself and others.
2. She's your personal nurse/doctor (Acts of service)
If you're sick, a Jamaican woman whose love language is acts of service will take the time to nurse you back to health. We're generally very caring and nurturing however, so taking some time out of our schedule to make sure you're okay is what we do. While we're taking care of you, be sure to follow our instructions carefully. When it comes to our loved one's health and well-being we are very strict.
3. She likes hanging out with you (Quality time)
It doesn't really matter where you both are. It could be at home, at the beach, at the movies or having a meal at a restaurant, she enjoys your company. A Jamaican woman whose love language is quality time will sometimes surprise you with an unplanned visit. Yup. She will show up at your house just because she wants to see you and be close to you. Jealously, she will guard 'her time'. When she spends alone time with you it's 'her time' and friends should stay clear during those moments.
4. She cuddles up with you (Physical Touch)
If her love language is physical touch she will get close to you for a good cuddle session. Most Jamaican women though are very affectionate and love to cuddle. Our cuddles however are reserved for one special guy. If you're that person you're quite fortunate. We are not openly affectionate with everyone.
5. She appreciates gifts and loves giving gifts (Giving/Receiving gifts)
A Jamaican woman whose love language is receiving/giving gifts will make sure she thinks carefully about how a gift will make you feel, and will buy accordingly. From you, her significant other, a gift given means the world to her and she will cherish it, especially one that showed you put a lot of thought into its purchase.
6. She cooks for you (Acts of service)
Most Jamaican women pride themselves in being excellent cooks and we love to show that off. Having someone we can prepare a lovely meal for is one of the greatest ways we show we care. Even a young woman who may not know her way around the kitchen will make the effort to learn a few dishes to impress her beau.
Givers - It's who we are. That's how we show we care for our loved ones. Just like Jamaican men, we are not quick to declare that we love anyone romantically. Our parents and children get our love and loyalty, period. But, for the brave person who is able to breach our defenses, we do give the best parts of ourselves.
- Chapman, Gary. The Five Love Languages: How to express heartfelt commitment to your mate. Chicago, Northfield Publishing, 2004.
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