Trends That Matter: Jamaica's Birthrate: Why has Jamaica's fertility rate fallen so drastically. A research article.
Article writer: S. Jeffery Research Article There is a growing debate concerning the decline in Jamaica's birthrate and the resulting implications of an ageing, geriatric population. Several studies have also been published that research the fertility of populations and have specifically focused on women of childbearing age and their willingness and/or ability to have children. This article specifically looks at the Jamaican reality. We too as a country are facing an almost rapid decline in the birthrates and a correlating fall in fertility among the population overall. This article explores the possible factors that would lead to such a phenomena in our local context. This is the first of a series of articles that will be published concerning the topic in order to give an overall view on the issues as to why the health experts in Jamaica (and I would say worldwide) are very concerned about this trend. It is my hope that with the publishing of these series of article...